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Training T&Cs

Nail Training Glasgow 

Training academy terms of contract


‘WE’, ‘US’ or ‘OUR’ Is a reference to
Nova Nails Salon and Training Academy
Suite 291,
93 Hope Street,
G2 6LD

‘YOU’ or ‘YOUR’ Is a reference to the person to whom we are providing our Services and who is required to pay for the Services we provide.

‘COURSE’ and ‘COURSES’ Means the course or courses provided by us to you as part of the Services.

‘PARTIES’ Is a reference to both us and you.

‘SERVICES’ Means the course/s and any course materials that we provide to you on booking, further details of which appear on our website.


2.1 When you place your order for one or more of our Services it is an offer by you to enter a legal contract with us.


2.2 You and we will only enter a binding contract when you receive notification from us that we accepted your order and we have received fee for your order. Once we accept your order and fee, a binding contract between you and us will come into being subject to these following Terms and Conditions.


2.3 You should keep a copy of these terms and conditions for your records. If you have any questions concerning them, please contact us at




3.1 As per your consumer rights you have 14 days to return any product unused and unopened. When booking and providing payment for any training course and or kits you are wavering your cancellation rights as per the Consumer Contracts Regulations after any training material has been provided such as manuals or if kits have been ordered.

3.2 As per your consumer rights you have 14 days to return any product unused and unopened.

When you book and make payment for any training course, you are wavering your cancellation rights as per the Consumer Contracts Regulations. All course fees are non refundable. You can reschedule your course once without incurring any additional charges after this will incur a fee determined by cost of full course. Any changes to dates must be done at least 72 hours before your course date less than this may not be able to reschedule. This will be at trainers digression and may incur an admin fee of £50.

3.3 No showing to your course or failing to confirm attendance at least 48 hours before course will count as a cancellation and fee will be lost.

3.4 You cannot cancel your order after the supply of any part of the course has been provided including course material or content such as manuals and or if kits have been ordered. Kits are non-refundable cannot be exchanged. Kits are subject to availability from our outsourced supplier, in cases where kits or elements to kits are out of stock like for like equivalents will be provided. Kits can be ordered by us separately to courses but are non-refundable whether purchases with or without a course. In case where you change your mind about taking kit our normal policy stands/ You acknowledge from section 3.1 that you thereby lose your cancellation right.




4.1 Once you have purchased a course or course material; We and you have entered a legally binding contract, we will provide you with the appropriate materials, order any kits and provide all relevant  information on any practical training sessions with the dates, venue and times and any other information you will require.


4.2 Our aim is to always provide you with the Services:


4.3 Using reasonable care and skill; within the period as agreed. If a period has not been agreed in advance, then within a reasonable time.


4.4 in compliance with commonly accepted practices and standards in the beauty industry; and


4.5 in compliance with the laws and regulations of Scotland in force at the time we are carry out the Services.




5.1 All courses include practical training sessions which will take place on the date, time and at the venue as specified in your confirmation email. We may need to change the date, time and/or venue and if this occurs you will be notified as soon as possible.


5.2 Practical training dates are provisionally scheduled and then confirmed upto 2 days prior to the event and are subject to minimum student numbers as well as other factors. If your practical training sessions have to be rescheduled by us, you will have the following options:

a. You will be provided with a new date in the same venue of your original booking ( we cannot guarantee how close to original date this would be)

b. You could book into alternative dates if the ones offered are not suitable.

You cannot cancel your order in any case after the supply of any course material or content such as manuals and or if kits have been ordered. In case where you would like to cancel after confirmation email has been sent with course manuals included our normal policy stands (section 3.1) You acknowledge that you thereby lose your cancellation right.


5.3 You are required to be at the location of the practical training on time and be ready to start at least 10mins before start time. Our accreditation bodies require you to attend and complete the practical training. If you fail to attend or course cannot be completed due to any factor unrelated to us ie. You have to leave before completion, your model does not arrive, you have not studied relevant information. We may claim the remaining cost of the course and you will lose any fees already paid. If you have legit reason for nonattendance, or leaving early etc then you must let us know as soon as possible where we can discuss other options. Failure to correspond with us when trying to sort out alternatives may result in automatic cancellation and fees paid will be lost.  


5.4 Where you have not met requirements to pass a review day and or assessment will be required as part of your course, you must attend the dates stated on the confirmation and/or learning agreement and be present at times stated. Failure to attend the assessment/review date may result in us claiming reasonable net costs from the fee paid and you not gaining certification. If you are not able to make this date, there may be exceptional circumstances where we may be able to change the date of your review/assessment. If you reschedule the course date, this may incur a fee to cover our reasonable net costs.


5.5 You are required to attend the practical training at the times stated in your booking confirmation. Failure to attend for any of the periods stated in the booking confirmation form may result in us being unable to provide you with your certificate.


5.6 Our practical training days sessions are designed for a set number of students. If the attendance group is smaller, then the duration of the training may be altered accordingly to accommodate this. 



Before the practical training


6.1 For courses that require home study, you must ensure that you carry out the studies as stated in the relevant course eBooks and literature. This included practising if you are to come back for a 2nd or 3rd day. Failure to do so may lead to you failing the course and not being provided with a certificate, full payment of course will still be required in this case and any fees already paid will be lost.


6.2 Some courses may require a model, it is your responsibility to find this model, they must consent to having the required treatments done and must not have this treatment already applied. I.E they must not already have gel polish or acrylics on their nails or any other nail product. Fee may incur if they arrive with product on, to have this removed. They must arrive on time. In the event where your model cancels on the day it is your responsibility to find another model or course date will have to be changed to another date. Original booking fee may be lost in this case, and another booking fee of £40 may be needed to secure a new date. This will be at our digression. We require 72 hours’ notice if model is cancelling – less than this may lose and fees already paid. If moving to a new date an admin fee of £40 will apply. If you chose not to change to a new date any paid fees will be lost.

During the practical training


6.3 During the Course you must, always:

a. Act and behave appropriately. Abuse or antisocial behaviour towards either our trainers or other students will not be tolerated.

b. Dress appropriately in smart, comfortable clothing.

c. Ensure that your hair is tied away from your face.
d. arrive with no product on your nails


The terms of this section are necessary for the health and safety of our staff and other students. Failure to comply with the terms in this section will be a breach of this agreement and may lead to your expulsion from the course and not receiving certificate. In such circumstances, we will claim reasonable net costs or losses (which may be from the fee already paid).


8.4 You may need to work on other students, and you understand and confirm that other students may need to work on you. If you cannot be worked on by other students, please contact us at or by phone to look at other alternatives, which may include you providing a model for longer than originally required. You should ensure you have student insurance in place prior to attending any practical training, home study or review days.


8.5 For health and safety reasons, children are not permitted at the practical training venues at any times.


8.6 Mobile phones, tablet computers and desktops must remain switched off throughout.


8.7 We operate a non-smoking policy and smoking is not permitted in any training rooms. You may smoke only in the areas (if any) designated at the practical training venue.


8.9 If you are attending practical training nail/pedicure sessions, nail enhancements including nail overlays and nail polish must not be worn on your own nails or by your model/s. If you or your model arrive with product on your or your models nails a fee may incur to have them removed.


8.10 For all courses you will be provided loan of all products tools you will need for the course. Kits are included with some courses, details of what is included in the kit will be on your booking confirmation. You must not take home any products that have been loaned for the duration of the course. Any kits purchased and non-refundable and cannot be exchanged.


8.11 You must advise us of any medical conditions or special training needs at time of booking. Anything required by you to make your training easier due to medical or special needs must be provided by yourself. Such as glasses, heading aids etc. In cases where manuals are needed in larger text please ask and we will do our best to meet your requirements. These requests must be submitted in writing at time of booking.



9.1 Subject always to the course fees due being paid in full, course certificates will be handed on the day if all assessment requirements have been met to standards. Make sure we have corrected spelling of your name as you wish it to show on your certificate. On the occasion that you have not passed we will provide you with reasons and you will have the option to resist any assessments at another date within 6 months fees will apply to come back and resit. Otherwise, you can do 3 at home models and send us photo evidence. The evidence must clearly show a student who had a treatment you did; you must provide before and afters with a piece of paper and your name date treatment and your student reference number which educator will provide you. Our courses are accredited by ABT insurance please check with your current provider if you have one that they will also accept our certificate.



10.1 We may need to change a practical training date, venue, or materials. We will use our reasonable endeavours to give you as much notice as possible, but this may not be possible if there are circumstances beyond our reasonable control.




11.1 All design, text, graphics, images, content, and other intellectual property contained in any of the Course materials, videos

and manuals are, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property of Nova Nails and for their sole use. The use of any of them other than for personal study for the Course/Courses which you have booked is not permitted. Any reproduction, modification, or other unlawful use of our intellectual property is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action being taken against you.


11.2 We reserve the right to change any of our course material at any time for any reason we see fit.




12.1 Our Course fees appear on our website and are subject to full payment being paid at time of booking.


12.2 In the event that we have made a mistake in the Course fees quoted to you (for example, due to a technical error), we will inform you of the error as soon as reasonably possible. In such circumstances you may either (a) pay the balance to us or (b) choose to cancel the Course, in which case this contract will come to an end and all fees already paid will be refunded to you.


12.3 Final balance must be paid before certificate is given.



This clause limits our liability to you, and we suggest that you read through its provisions very carefully.


14.1 We do not exclude or limit liability for our negligence or negligent omission which causes your personal injury or death.


14.2 We shall only be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you which is a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach by us of this contract. If any loss or damage suffered by you relates to your business activities, then we exclude all liability for any business loss and we exclude all liability for loss of profits or other economic loss arising out of a breach of this contract.


14.3 You should not take ANY personal items into the training centres. We cannot accept responsibility for any valuables or possessions which go missing or are damaged at the training venues unless this has been a result of our negligence.



This clause limits our liability to you, and we suggest that you read through its provisions very carefully.


15.1 We will keep all student/customer personal information private and confidential.




16.1 You can always telephone our contact numbers which appear on our website.


16.1 However, for important matters we suggest that you send any communications by email to if we do not respond within 48hrs please call us.



We will have the right to amend the terms and conditions of this contract where:


17.1 We need to do so to comply with changes in the law or for regulatory reasons; or


17.2 We need to correct any errors or omissions (and this right includes the right to change any of the documentation which forms part of the contract), as long such correction is minor and does not materially affect the contract. Where we are making any amendment, we will give you as much notice as is possible.



For the purposes of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 this contract is not intended to, and does not, give any person who is not a party to it any right to enforce any of its provisions.



This contract shall be governed and construed by the law of Scotland and you, and we agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Scotland.

By booking a course with Nova Nails you hear by agree to the above terms. We cannot be held responsible for those who decide not to read these fully. If there are any questions or queries regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us prior to enrolling on a course.

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Thanks for submitting!

Suite 340
4th Floor
Central Chambers
93 Hope Street
Glasgow, Scotland
G2 6LD

Opening Hours

Academy Open
Academy Open
11.30 - 5pm (Salon)
12.00 - 7pm (Salon)
11.30 - 5pm (Salon)
11.30 - 5pm (Salon)

© 2023 Nova Nails.

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